Our Mission

To enhance the safety of our community through increasing awareness, facilitating communication, and responsible advocacy.

Our Goals

  • Reduce opportunities for crime to occur in Roscoe Village by investing in security measures, implementing safety protocols, increasing vigilance, and fostering and maintaining a caring and aware community.
  • Strengthen the partnership between Roscoe Village and law enforcement by promoting two-way communication, including the prompt reporting of suspicious or criminal activity and attending local law enforcement events.
  • Provide timely and accurate information to residents and business owners regarding crime and what each of us can do to reduce the risk of becoming a victim.
    Promote security and resourcefulness throughout the Village, especially among our most vulnerable residents.

Things to Know to Help Fight Crime in Our Neighborhood

CALLING 911 – Many people are hesitant to call police or 911 for anything less that an obvious crime being committed. However the police rely on residents to be the first lead in reporting suspicious behavior, which can include loitering by non-residents in alleys, chronic loud disruptive behavior, kids checking cars late at night, and graffiti in process. If a report is made, the police will have a record and names on file if a crime is later reported in the same area or similar times.

Suspicious Behavior – Report any suspicious behavior including door-to-door solicitations that seem unusual. These individuals may be investigating your home. It is also recommended that you not leave your car parked on the street with your garage door opener on your visor. Criminals steal the garage door opener and your registration (with your address on it) out of your glove box and help themselves to the contents of your garage. Don’t leave any items visually available in your car.

When to call 911 or 311

311 should be used for non-emergency police services, such as theft, lost property, motor vehicle theft or burglary which is no longer in process and the offender is gone from the scene. 311 is also used for City Services like graffiti removal, rat baiting or potholes in the street.

911 should be used when the on-site presence of a police officer is necessary to resolve the matter, or you need other emergency services, such as an ambulance or fire department.


The Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation offers free graffiti removal services to private property owners to help maintain the beauty of our communities. The Graffiti Removal Program employs “blast” trucks that use baking soda under high water pressure to remove painted graffiti from brick, stone and other mineral surfaces. The program also deploys paint trucks to cover graffiti on surfaces such as metal or wood. To report graffiti or request its removal, there are 3 options:

1. Download the See-Click-Fix App on your phone. You will be able to easily report and track graffiti and its removal.

2. Call the city’s service request line at 3-1-1 to report a sighting.

3. Go to 311request.cityofchicago.org to Submit a Request for graffiti removal.

Chicago Police Department – District 19 – Roscoe Village

Roscoe Village is in Chicago’s District 19, Beats 1921 & 1922.

2024 Meeting Schedule

2452 W Belmont (Western Ave)
Community Policing (312) 744-0064

Beat 1921

Beat 1922


Chicago Crime Statistics Website – https://home.chicagopolice.org/statistics-data/crime-statistics/

Interested in Adding a Personal Security Camera to Chicago’s Office of Emergency Management & Communication System?
Learn more herehttps://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/oem/provdrs/tech/svcs/link_your_cameras.html